Tuesday, June 3, 2014


                          Everytime I post something into my blog, I recall the days when I used to be single and be so free, have lots of time. Now, since I already have 2 kids, it's no longer the same.


                                                                      See how time flies.

                 The journey of having kids, being a mother is another great experience that every woman should experience. I know some woman are less fortunate when they are trying to conceive but could not conceive. Well, what I can say to them is: "Don't Give Up!" There are a lot of ways for you and your partner to conceive. I know one of the way is to take R2. Insya-Allah definitely can. You can message me in here if you want to know more about it.

                 The journey of Pregnancy during 9 months. These stages are already mentioned in the Quran, the process of when the organs, the blood, the skin, the soul will take place etc. It is truly amazing when you have a baby inside your womb. My son, Kaysan Afraz, he love to kick when he used to be inside my womb. The feeling of your baby moving around, kicking in your tummy, make you feel so special that you know, you are responsible for this Future baby's health and development as well. You need to take supplements, eat well.. There are so many things that you should and you should not do, during pregnancy.

                  The journey of bringing up a child is also another different kind of level. The different level of stress you have to handle. But overall a Great Experience. I hope that they could grow up fast enough. Haha.
All I want is for them to grow up healthily, have good education, share their knowledge and love to people around them.

                   Hope that my post above is sweet and simple for everyone to understand and benefit from it. Insya-Allah. :) Hope to post in here soon. Bye!