Monday, May 30, 2011


My 1st attempt writing on our blog. The post below was written by my beautiful wife to be sharing about Marriage in Islam.

Im gonna sidetrack a bit.. Hehe.. I dont usually believe in horoscopes. But somehow i went thru google and "recee" about Chineses Zodiac compatibility between me(monkey) and my wife to be(rat). So here is the "FICTION" about our compatibility. HEHE!!

h1>Chinese Zodiac Compatibility : Rat and Monkey


Both the Rat and Monkey are very strong and competitive personalities. Both are clever and crafty and have an eye for opportunities. There is a lot of passion in this relationship. The Rat likes Monkey's games and talent for wit. The Monkey likes Rat's energy and the need for security. There is so much of explosive chemistry in this relationship. The Monkey however eventually outwits the Rat

Rat Personality
The Chinese say that it is an honor to be born in the year of the Rat because Rat people are have a remarkable sense of vision. They can anticipate problems and quickly develop a strategy to deal with it even before the problem arrives. Because of this ability Rats are highly respected. It will only take the Rat less than a day to gel with a work place when it takes other people days or even weeks to get adjusted. Because of their highly perceptive nature Rats make good leaders than employees. Rats almost fit into any kind of profession.

Rats do not confide in people although they are very chatty. Though they exude a very calm air they can be very nervous people inside. Rats have a tendency to collect kick-knacks and a Rat person’s house will sure to be filled with a lot of things.

Rats are not very romantic people. But when they are with a highly compatible partner they can be very intense and passionate.

Rats always save for a rainy day. Rats are not much into the “a la mode” concept. Their homes may not be luxurious but it will be filled with warmth. Rats are very domestic and take very good care of their family.

Monkey Personality
Monkeys are curious energetic people who cannot stay bored for too long. Give a Monkey a boring book, they will convert it to a very interesting play and may invite friends to watch them perform for free! Because of their high energy nature monkeys are the center of attention in many parties. They are also like to play pranks on people and may unintentionally end up hurting someone. And they may expect you to heal your hurt yourself because Monkeys do not have the capacity to put themselves in another person’s shoes and display empathy. But this does not mean that they are not caring people.

Money to money is something that needs to be used to live life. With their numerous hobbies and passion for life they may end up spending a lot. Emotionally Monkeys are slightly insecure and they also show their emotions. When they are happy or sad people around them usually know what mood a Monkey usually is in.

Monkeys are very good problem solvers and will go all the way to help someone with their homework. They are strong-minded thinkers and analyze a problem in half the time and would charge double the cost. Because they are very intelligent they can adapt to any career.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Finally our BIG day is getting nearer and nearer.


Finally the day is getting nearer and nearer. We're getting nervous each day.
So far our preparation for our big day is a smooth one.

We really hope everyone that we invited in facebook will turn up and celebrate with us. We're really sorry for those who are not invited, don't worry, it's not that we have forgotten about you, we just wanted a small mini wedding. But don't worry, we will post all our wedding photos in here and maybe we could meet up again to catch up on things. =D

Anyway, here's some information about the goodness of Marriage in Islam:

Marriage in Islam is an important institution that has deep effects on society. Marriage is a bond containing rights and duties that each person, male or female, should preserve, protect and fulfill. Both the husband and wife, have certain rights and duties. Allah said, what translated means

"And live with them honorably."[4:19].
Each of them must fulfill his or her duties for the marriage to succeed. Allah said, what translated means,
"And they (women) have rights (over their husbands) similar (to those of their husbands) over them as regards to what is reasonable, but men have a degree (of responsibility) over them.) [2:228].
Women must fulfill their duties towards their husbands. Men must treat their wives fairly and fulfill their duties towards them, too. A happy marriage is assured if both the husband and the wife preserve each others' rights. A marriage that does the opposite is a miserable one.